Taekwondo Specials

Be bold this year - Sign up your kid for Taekwondo! Call (310) 522-0007

Special Introductory Trial

$99/ MO
  • Includes Free Uniform
  • 8 Classes of Instruction
  • Quarterly Belt Promotion
  • World Renown Instructors
  • World Class Students
Get Started Now

Benefits From Our Teachings

Self Defense

Through our teachings, we help guide a child to recognize situations where physical self-defense may be necessary. Help stop bullying.


We want our kids to feel self-confident and self-worth when they take our classes. We help each child feel satisfied in one’s abilities and oneself.


Following a set structure and basic rules help children learn about boundaries while gaining control over their own behaviors.

Health and Fitness

Instilling good behaviors leads to positive impressions on how a child makes choices in life. Taekwondo is a balance of active and healthy living.


We help build the confidence of our students by putting achievable steps in place so they experience the feeling of success.


We promote values such as honesty, courtesy, loyalty, trust and cooperation. Each is an essential component in building respect for oneself and others.