Beginner Lions

Beginner Lions

Taekwondo - Redondo Beach

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Our Beginner Lions class is typically for 7 and under, however, we do get a good mix of belt colors in this class including kids older than 7.

We will cover the following concepts

  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Pulminare dosis gravida
  • Terminal metro
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Pulminare dosis gravida
  • Terminal metro

Event Hours(2)

  • Monday

    06:00 pm – 06:50 pm

    Location: Redondo Beach
    Instructors: Mr. & Mrs. Salim

    Level: Beginner

  • Wednesday

    06:00 pm – 06:50 pm

    Location: Redondo Beach
    Instructors: Mr. & Mrs. Salim

    Level: Beginner